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Rockin’ the Walls

Bedroom sheet rock

We began hanging sheet rock on the walls. Thankfully it is much quicker than doing the ceilings, with the exception of interior closets. They seem to slow the process down with the many smaller sections and cuts. Using the Roto-Zip tool on the wall edges, door and window frames saves the heartache of making exacting measurements on the edges. In those areas I simply add a bit of overhang and zip the excess off. Many of our walls are slightly less than 12′ wide, so the need to match edges along a 1 1/2″ edge was […]

Attic Insulation

Well, after the Christmas break, we got back to it, finishing up the attic insulation.

Initially, we had thought we would subcontract this job, never having attempted it before ourselves. So, we got a quote on the job from a recommended subcontractor. He quoted us a rate of $1.50/sf for R-30 insulation blown in to the attic. For approximately 2600 sf (just the main part of the house — not the WWII museum and research center), this equates to a cost of $3900. We actually wanted more insulation — up to R44, so we decided to see how difficult […]

Sheetrocking Ceilings

Dining Room -- the last room

We’ve been learning as we go on so many different things during the home construction. Sheetrocking has been another. We just finished sheetrocking the ceilings of the entire house, in preparation for attic insulation.

Since the ceilings are all 10 feet tall, we knew before we ever began that we needed a lift for the sheetrock. In the fall, Oz found a good price on a sheetrock lift that has proved very valuable.

Based upon the recommendation of our contact at the local building supply store, we went with 4′ x 12′ sheets, rather than 4′ x 8′ […]

Insulating Walls

Several tasks had to be completed before the insulation could happen. They were:

Electrical rough-in (subcontractor) HVAC rough-in (subcontractor) Plumbing top-out (Oz) Security system wiring (Oz and the boys) CAT-6 Internet cable wiring (Oz and the boys) Blocking for installation of brackets/handrails, etc. (Oz) Final installation of woodburning stove and chimney (Oz)

During the past month, all these things have been accomplished. So… we got started on placing insulation on the wall sections. We used R-19 batting for the exterior walls and R-13 for the interior insulation for the pantry. We insulated between the living area and the bedrooms (R-19), […]

November update

I cannot believe it has been more than a month since I posted an update… suffice it to say that we have not stopped working and been laying about!

In the past month, the exterior of the house has been almost finished, including:

Stucco Caulking and Painting Exterior Trim (soffits and fascia) Exterior Door installation Chimney Roofing Installation of Garage Doors Gravel placed on drive and on road Exterior Light fixture installation

We hired a subcontractor for the stucco. While they worked on stucco, I kept up (barely) with painting and caulking all the soffits and fascia. We used the […]

Bat (Murcielago) Roosting on Soffit

As the stucco first layer was going up, Pedro noticed a murcielago under the eaves…

Sleeping bat…

Cute little guy…

All the activity with the work on the exterior seems to have scared him away, but we need a bat house like Cohutt’s later on…

Photo Tour Update

We have been so very busy on the house that posting has been spotty (we admit it). Here are some photos to give you a view of the work that has happened in the past couple of weeks. It is really starting to look like a home.

Framing complete

First Window installed…

House wrapped… stucco begins.

Stucco in progress…

Window installation…

Stucco on the back begins..

Back porch stucco begins…

Tarpaper going up…

Scaffolding for front gable…

Front door […]

Installing Vinyl Windows

This week our windows arrived…all 23 of them. They ranged in size from 2’x3′ to 3’x6′. The larger sizes were very heavy. Installation was fairly straight forward. We reviewed several videos and how-to sites and reviewed the material from a few books we have.

We prepped the openings by cutting the house wrap. The cut was horizontal at the top of the window, vertical in the middle and ending in an inverted “Y” at the bottom. Each of the flaps were pulled into the window opening and stapled on the inside of the frame. Excess material was cut off.


Military Principles of War: Simplicity

I have relearned the military principle of war-Simplicity-many times. I was taught at West point: “Issue clear, concise and simple instructions.” Doing so will minimize the possibility of confusion and enhance effective mission accomplishment. Obviously I failed to observe this principle when directing the Stucco Subcontractor.

What I thought I conveyed(first image): After issuing clear and concise orders my wife and i move to the opposite side of the house to install some more windows……

What the subcontractor heard (second image):

Meanwhile, the sub is busy covering up those expensive cedar beams which have been beveled, stained and neatly installed […]

Bonus Room Framing

As G.N. Construction continues working on the roof decking and soffits, they are also continuing with the framing of the bonus room above the garage (in case you’ve forgotten, it is really the future home of the WWII Museum and Research Center). The progress is moving along well as we continue to complete small jobs around the house while they work. Most of the bracing from the interior of the house has been removed, so you can safely navigate without fear of head-bonking. Also, Oz finished building the water heater platform and has been working on the plans for the […]