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Sheetrocking Ceilings

We’ve been learning as we go on so many different things during the home construction. Sheetrocking has been another. We just finished sheetrocking the ceilings of the entire house, in preparation for attic insulation.

Since the ceilings are all 10 feet tall, we knew before we ever began that we needed a lift for the sheetrock. In the fall, Oz found a good price on a sheetrock lift that has proved very valuable.

Based upon the recommendation of our contact at the local building supply store, we went with 4′ x 12′ sheets, rather than 4′ x 8′ sheets. We are very glad we accepted his advice, since it was that many fewer sheets to lift and place and less seams to tape later on.

We found that we worked pretty well as a team, measuring and cutting and then lifting the sheets into place. Oz got pretty good at rotozipping the cutouts.

Here are a few photos of the ceilings when we had just a few more to place.

Cutting and layout station

Dining Room -- the last room

Placing a sheet with the lift

Our woodstove helps warm the space

We also poured front sidewalks. We requested an aggregate finish on the walkways to help the color blend well and add a bit of interest to the entryway.

Aggregate finish on the front walkway

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