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Home Tour — with Paint

Here is a YouTube vid of a quick walk-through of the house.

Painting Like a Professional

Now that the entire house is primed, we are preparing for the rest of the paint project. However, here are a few tips about the priming phase:

1: Especially when using a big pump sprayer, you will want to dilute the paint a bit for priming. To do this, you need a couple of empty 5-gallon buckets (no problem, since we did our own mudding and taping). Using the buckets, you will add 2 gallons of water for each 5 gallon bucket of primer. You will pour the water and paint back and forth, mixing the paint and water until […]

Texturing and Priming complete!

As of Wednesday (May 1st), we have the entire house completely textured and primed…

Pantry Walls Textured and primed

A few notes about mudding and taping and texturing. We found the buckets of Joint Compound (green mud) to be very convenient to use for banjoing and the first coat of mud. Mixing it well (and adding no water at all) was the key to smooth mud for the banjo and also for using to apply the first coat to screw heads and seams. Early on, we tried adding a bit of water to the mud to make […]