We’ve begun learning to put in the tilework. The first project was the surround for the garden tub. We opted for a fairly neutral color of tile (Briton Bone Home Depot) with accent pieces that coordinate with the stained concrete floor color (Walnut). We chose a grout color of Linen. Here are a few photos…Tub Surround
As I mentioned in a previous article, Discount Kitchen Cabinets, RTA (Ready to Assemble) cabinets are a cost-effective way to get good quality cabinets at a much lower cost. We ended up ordering our cabinets online from myCabinetPlace.com, a company out of Minnesota. After checking and double-checking final measurements for Kitchen, Laundry, Master Bath, Two bathrooms for the boys and the Powder bath, I made a call and spoke to a very nice and helpful person (with a definite Minnesota accent) at the company phone number. He answered all my questions about specific details and what he could offer for concerns with installation, etc. The company offers free shipping on orders over $2000, plus the no sales tax benefit of ordering out of state. Our shipment was large enough to warrant a freight truck delivery.
Our color choice for the entire house was: Gander Maple
Gander Maple Cabinets
The company’s online description of the cabinets makes them appear very attractive:
“Burnt Sienna” stained baked finish on maple
Completely stained, baked finish inside and out
Exposed sides are stained to match
Greater assortment of cabinet sizes and accessories provides high end design without high end price
High Quality All Wood Construction
Face Frames: 3/4″x 1-9/16″ Mortise & Tendon Construction
End Panel: 1/2″ Plywood
Top and Bottoms: 1/2″ Plywood
Shelves: 3/4″ thick Plywood edge-band on front
Back: 1/8″ Plywood, Sink base cabinets may have an open back or may require holes to be cut in the back for plumbing
Hang rails for wall cabinets: 1/2″ Solid wood
No particle board!!!
Doors and Drawer Fronts are Solid Wood, 5-Piece construction with raised panel
Drawers are Solid Wood Dovetail Construction with full extension under mount self soft-closing drawer glide system
Six-way adjustable fully concealed, European style hinges
Full Overlay Doors and Drawers
As we passed through the local Home Depot, I happened to look at their in-stock cabinets for comparison… at similar prices, their cabinets were made up of particle board primarily. These RTA cabinets, while requiring assembly, are much higher quality.
Just for a comparison, I looked up what HD had to offer that would be of similar quality. Their RTA cabinets are almost entirely made up of particle board, so I didn’t think it was a fair comparison. Their Home Decorators Online Cabinet line seemed of similar quality, although they arrive fully assembled. So, to do a quick comparison, I looked up the cost of a Base Cabinet, 24″ in their Lewiston Toffee Glaze. Their price (which will also have the additional sales tax added) for this base cabinet was $469. The cost of the same cabinet from myCabinets.com was $166 when I ordered it. The pricing of their other cabinets and accessories was similarly different for the rest. In short, we were able to get everything we need for 42″ high wall cabinets, crown molding, under cabinet light rails, decorative posts, etc., etc., for the entire house for a price of only $9626, delivered. I think we would pay nearly triple the price for a similar product from HD, or any other cabinet company locally.
Note: Since we ordered our cabinets, our particular color has been discontinued. The Kingston maple cabinets are similar.
So, the cabinets came in, delivered by a freight delivery company. Unfortunately, we had bad luck with the delivery. Out of the two double pallet shipment, we had 16 boxes with visible damage (scraped, crushed, forklift driven into it) and, upon opening the boxes, lots of unseen damage was found on the cabinets due to the rough handling (dented cabinet fronts, etc.).
One thing to keep in mind when you order RTA cabinets is that you are responsible for documenting any damage when you get them and working with a long-distance company to get the issues resolved. It took me a good couple of days to go through every box, looking at all the individual pieces to assess the damage. While I was doing it, I had to keep in mind that the boxes had to be re-packed (like a puzzle) so that the carton could be returned if necessary.
I made a complete listing and have submitted it to the company, requesting replacements of some of the worst damage and touch up paint for the more minor scratches.
All that being said, I love the cabinets and am very impressed with the high quality of the construction. Had they not been damaged in shipment, I would be ecstatic.
I still think this is a great way to get high-quality cabinets for less… but it isn’t without its costs in time. More to come as we wait for the replacement parts… Here are a few pictures:
We decided early on that we wanted to have stained concrete floors throughout the bottom level of the house. For one thing, the finish is beautiful and durable. For another thing, we really do not like wall-to-wall carpeting at all. Lastly, it is a very low-cost alternative to ceramic tile and easy to do relative to other alternatives.
To prepare for this, we asked our concrete guys to give the foundation a machine finish after it was poured. It has a very nice glassy finish already on most of the house (along the edges of the foundation, there are a few less-smooth spots, but nothing bad).
Also, since we knew this was the plan, we tried very hard during all phases of construction not to get it dirty with building materials, etc. Particularly once we started the mudding and taping, followed by paint, we covered the floor with tar paper (a much less expensive alternative to the expensive cardboard rolls they sell in the hardware stores) throughout the house.
However, as hard as we tried, we still had a lot of work to prepare the concrete for staining. We spent a good two days cleaning the floors, sweeping, vacuuming, scraping off any bits of drywall mud, removing the drips and overspray from the paint process. and finally mopping every inch of the house. After that, we had to mask the lower parts of all the walls to protect them from the stain and etching compound. That was not a pleasant job, but not a difficult one.
To mask the walls, we cut 18″ strips from the roll of painter’s plastic (10 feet wide) that we used to mask during the texturing and painting processes. After cutting the strips, we taped them around the walls and woodwork, using blue tape on the tops and on any woodwork and regular masking tape on the bottoms of the sheetrock, where the woodwork will eventually be installed.
One thing that helped with paint removal was using brush cleaner (for latex paint). By painting it on the overspray or drip, and then scraping after a few seconds, the job was made much easier. This was a relatively inexpensive product. We only needed 2 quarts for the bottom floor our house (2600 sf to be stained), at a cost of about $7/quart.
After the floors were relatively clean, it was time to use the cleaning/etching product we bought to prep the floors to accept the stain. We looked around online and at the local paint store, as well as our local Home Depot. We ended up going with the Valspar products sold by Lowes. We found some very knowledgeable staff at the store down in Carlsbad, who were able to clearly explain just how their products worked and what we would need to get to have all the tools at hand for the process.
Today we finished the etching process for the entire project.
The process is simple:
Dilute the solution 1:1. Wet down the floor first (we did this with a mop and bucket). Spray (using an all-plastic pump sprayer) the surface well. Scrub into the surface with a natural bristle brush on a broom handle. After the fizzing is done, mop the floor several times to remove all the residue. (We found three times to be about right). Use proper protective equipment (goggles, facemask, gloves, shoe coverings or rubber boots, and optional protective suit).
That is basically it… Here are some photos:
Tools of the trade: pump sprayer, protective suit, face mask, goggles and rubber or latex gloves, Etching solution.Floors precleaned and walls maskedWet down the floor before spraying solutionSpray etching solutionBrush in etching solutionMop clean until residue is gone...Etching productCleaned and etched floors...
Now that the entire house is primed, we are preparing for the rest of the paint project. However, here are a few tips about the priming phase:
1: Especially when using a big pump sprayer, you will want to dilute the paint a bit for priming. To do this, you need a couple of empty 5-gallon buckets (no problem, since we did our own mudding and taping). Using the buckets, you will add 2 gallons of water for each 5 gallon bucket of primer. You will pour the water and paint back and forth, mixing the paint and water until you get a uniform consistency. This is a traditional painter method called “boxing”. In the old days, when paint colors were not mixed so precisely as they are today, painters would do this with the paint to assure a uniform color when working on a job. It is still a useful technique for today’s equipment and products…
2. The primer needs to be backrolled for good coverage after spraying. We used a very large roller on a long pole to get this done efficiently. The roller costs about $20, but is worth it in the time saved. You can wrap it well in plastic if you need to pause between priming sessions. This big roller takes a lot of work to clean, so wrapping it is a welcome time-saver.
3. Another tip: Even if you are buying the plain white paint, have them mix it for you at the store before you buy it. Saves you the time of mixing and assures the complete and even mix you want.
4. Preparing for spraying the entire house. Obviously, all doors and windows must be well masked. We used a roll of painter’s plastic for all the big areas, including windows, doors, wood pillars, etc. We also used tar paper to cover the entire floor before we mudded and taped, so it was ready to go for painting. Since this was the priming phase, we used regular masking tape on windows, etc. For painted surfaces, use the blue tape later on; the regular masking tape can sometimes pull off the paint when you remove it. We used brown paper to mask all the electrical outlets, can lights, light boxes, vents, etc. This will lessen the cleanup later.
Large Paint Roller
Since we want our ceilings to remain white, instead of buying regular wall paint for the second coat – Behr’s Premium Plus ($125/5 gal), our painter friend recommended Behr’s primer ($50/5 gal) instead. He noted that Behr’s primer is not a completely flat white, but has a bit of sheen to it. He wouldn’t recommend this in areas likely to see high humidity (bathrooms), or kitchens or in homes with smokers. We decided to do this, since it looks great and will work fine in most of the house. Just a little note: Although they aren’t accustomed to doing it very often, primer paint can be tinted like any other paint. Our friend said that people have used primer paint (tinted to their color choice) for the entire house, walls and ceilings and had good results. It won’t hold up against heavy wear, so it would never work for us on the walls, but maybe for some folks.
Preparing for the Second Coat (color)
Getting all the equipment you need will help. Here is an array of the basics:
Getting Ready
You’ll need:
1. Good 3″ brushes for cutting in
2. A small wire brush to clean the brushes well between uses (this really helps get the brushes looking like new)
3. At least a couple of 2 gallon plastic buckets (sold in most hardware stores)
4. 2 gallon size bucket grids (or screens) to use with the 2 gallon buckets
5. 6″ mini rollers and roller frames (these fit well in the 2 gallon buckets)
6. Good pencils and sharpener
7. All purpose caulk
8. Painters’ cloths (for the caulking and for wiping drips or mistakes when painting — keep them moist)
9. Paint, stir sticks, openers, bucket opener for the 5 gallon buckets
Note: When you buy your tinted paint, ask for an extra printed label with the exact ratio of the tints needed for your paint. Stick it to the back of a color card and keep it in your records. If you ever need to buy more for touch up, etc., they will be able to match it exactly.
Cutting in: Recommended on seams between colors (like between a white ceiling and colored wall): run a bead of caulk to get a nice, clean line. No matter how precise you are with a brush, the raised surface of the texture keeps the line from looking completely straight without caulk. We tried it both ways. When I have a strong wall color, I found the caulking absolutely essential for a nice look. To keep your caulk from drying out between uses, a small electrical cap works very well.
Even for the main color, some thinning is a good idea. Rule of thumb: 3 quarts of water added to a 5 gallon bucket. A little less than 2 1/2 cups of water can be added to single gallon cans. I pour the gallon can into the 2 gallon plastic bucket, add the water to the paint can, close it up and shake it well to get as much paint mixed in as possible. Then, add the water mixture to the bucket and mix well, returning the diluted paint to the paint bucket after mixing.
Keep records of your color choicesKeep the caulk fresh...
After the caulk has dried (about 2 hrs, in my experience), use a nice pencil to mark the corner line. Then, using a 3″ high quality paint brush (angled or flat as you prefer), cut in the paint along the line. Using a small roller, carry the color down about 1 foot from the ceiling to allow ease of spraying without risk of overspray.
Pencil line on top of caulk... cutting in
Here are a few photos of the cut-in walls, ready for spraying:
As of Wednesday (May 1st), we have the entire house completely textured and primed…
Pantry Walls Textured and primed
A few notes about mudding and taping and texturing. We found the buckets of Joint Compound (green mud) to be very convenient to use for banjoing and the first coat of mud. Mixing it well (and adding no water at all) was the key to smooth mud for the banjo and also for using to apply the first coat to screw heads and seams. Early on, we tried adding a bit of water to the mud to make it more easy to use… it was completely unsuitable for use in the banjo and ended up making more work for us. We had to cut out several strips of paper tape and re-apply it using regular green mud. We ended up with bubbles with the diluted green mud.
The blue mud (in the cardboard boxes) is more lightweight and easier to apply, get smooth and to sand. It, however required a bit of diluting to get it to the right consistency. We added two cups of water per box of mud to get it to work very well.
Texturing required the extreme dilution of the blue mud to work properly. We added 10 cups of water to one box of blue mud this purpose. The whole process was made pretty quick by the use of our friend (and contractor) Joe Tufano’s texturing machine. It was made by Graco and really worked well. It was very important to get the mud to the right consistency and to clean the machine thoroughly after the work was done.
We bought a pump for spraying the paint. It has already saved us so much time! Our pump is a Graco Tradeworks 170. With this pump, the painting goes so much more quickly. It really pays for itself. Considering what it would have cost us to hire a painting team, the investment in this machine was well worth it.
Here are a few more photos of the last part of the house we primed this week:
Stairwell - Textured and PrimedHobby room textured and primedHobby room textured and primedDormer wall closeup
We have been working on the next part of the drywall experience the past two weeks. We began on our own in the garage (which was a good thing). Then, starting on Feb. 28th, we had the help of a professional to get things done right in the main living area of the house. In the past 7 workdays, we have made pretty good progress.
We began with patching the heads of the screws on all the sheetrock panels using “green” mud, also known as all-purpose joint compound. Apparently, this stuff is harder (and more difficult to sand) and is used on the first layers of nail/screw heads and the taped joints.
We found a great tool for applying the seam tape called a “banjo”. This simple tool allowed us to more quickly apply the tape and joint compound along the seams with much less muss and fuss than without.
After putting the tape on seams, beadboard on all corners, and a first coat with the “green” joint compound, we moved into the finishing up of feathering out seams to prepare for texturing.
For the finish coat (and also for texturing), the “blue” mud is used. This is lighter in weight, smoother and easier to work with than the “green” mud, and will be easier on the sanding process.
Dining room ready for textureLiving Room Windows/CeilingsKitchen nearly ready for texture
Bedroom sheet rockWe began hanging sheet rock on the walls. Thankfully it is much quicker than doing the ceilings, with the exception of interior closets. They seem to slow the process down with the many smaller sections and cuts. Using the Roto-Zip tool on the wall edges, door and window frames saves the heartache of making exacting measurements on the edges. In those areas I simply add a bit of overhang and zip the excess off. Many of our walls are slightly less than 12′ wide, so the need to match edges along a 1 1/2″ edge was minimized. It also will make the mud/tape process easier since there will be fewer vertical seams to feather out. I began on the top section with as long a section of 4×12 as I could fit and covered the window openings. I used the Roto-Zip to cut out the windows. This gave me a continuous section with no seams above the window headers. I was able to use the cut out section for the inside top window edge after filling the window-wall gap with open cell foam for added insulation. I then rocked the window inside edges left and right.
Hallway sheet rock
I found the most time consuming process to be the measuring and layout. Looking at the image of the rock tools you can see I drew a 3D diagram of two walls and laid out the studs and windows ensuring I maximized a 12″ length where possible. This way i only had to measure once. On a few occasions I failed to locate and mark the electrical outlets. Bummer, but if you guess right, you can find em pretty easy as the rock bulges out and the electricians usually place the socket at a standard height.
Tools needed
We loaded all of our rock into the largest central room and used the stack as our layout and cutting table. I did not buy any saw horses. It was only problematic when measuring and cutting the last few pieces as the stack is close to the ground and one has to kneel down to measure and cut.
We’ve been learning as we go on so many different things during the home construction. Sheetrocking has been another. We just finished sheetrocking the ceilings of the entire house, in preparation for attic insulation.
Since the ceilings are all 10 feet tall, we knew before we ever began that we needed a lift for the sheetrock. In the fall, Oz found a good price on a sheetrock lift that has proved very valuable.
Based upon the recommendation of our contact at the local building supply store, we went with 4′ x 12′ sheets, rather than 4′ x 8′ sheets. We are very glad we accepted his advice, since it was that many fewer sheets to lift and place and less seams to tape later on.
We found that we worked pretty well as a team, measuring and cutting and then lifting the sheets into place. Oz got pretty good at rotozipping the cutouts.
Here are a few photos of the ceilings when we had just a few more to place.Cutting and layout station
Placing a sheet with the liftOur woodstove helps warm the space
We also poured front sidewalks. We requested an aggregate finish on the walkways to help the color blend well and add a bit of interest to the entryway.
Several tasks had to be completed before the insulation could happen. They were:
Electrical rough-in (subcontractor)
HVAC rough-in (subcontractor)
Plumbing top-out (Oz)
Security system wiring (Oz and the boys)
CAT-6 Internet cable wiring (Oz and the boys)
Blocking for installation of brackets/handrails, etc. (Oz)
Final installation of woodburning stove and chimney (Oz)
During the past month, all these things have been accomplished. So… we got started on placing insulation on the wall sections. We used R-19 batting for the exterior walls and R-13 for the interior insulation for the pantry. We insulated between the living area and the bedrooms (R-19), providing a nice sound and heat barrier between them. The bedrooms are on a different HVAC zone, so we can keep the bedrooms at the desired temp. relative to the rest of the house. We’ve been very happy with the work done by the subcontractor. He used hard metal ducting for all but the last few feet on each duct, so no problems with collapsing ductwork is expected.
Hard metal ductworkMore metal ductwork
It has been definitely chilly on a few mornings, so we’ve been happy to have the woodburning stove ready for use. We’ve been very happy with how easy it is to get a fire started and how much heat the stove puts out.
Pacific Energy Vista woodburning stove
The plumbing project was quite a bit different than plumbing systems we’ve had in our other homes. Oz used pex plumbing this time. We especially like the manifold design, which allows us to control water flow to any part of the house from the main manifold. The plumbing inspection was passed with flying colors.
Shower control valve and pex plumbingPlumbing manifold back sidePex manifold front side
The boys and Oz had a good time running through the rafters to install security wiring for all doors and windows, as well as computer wiring to allow ease of use of internet throughout the house.
Our very large walk-in pantry has been completely insulated to allow for the possibility of making it into a walk-in cooler in the future. We installed a plug and framed a section of the back wall to accommodate a wine cellar A/C unit. We don’t plan to do this right away, but it will be very temperature stable in the meantime and allow for the possibility later.
Pantry completely insulated
Upstairs in the hobby room above the garage, we were concerned about the heat on the south side of the house. To try to minimize the heat in the hot summertime, we added a layer of styrofoam insulation between the rafters before adding the bat insulation. On the south side, we also added an additional layer of wall insulation to try to minimize the heat gain.
Hobby Room (aka Military research center) insulated
We gained a new appreciation for the folks who do this for a living (and are somewhat mystified as to why anyone would). This is easily our least favorite task thus far. We wore long-sleeve shirts, gloves, breathing masks and eye protection to do this job (quite miserable) and washed the same clothes every day to try to prevent the permanent ruination of several different sets of clothes by the fiberglass fibers… ugh.