I have relearned the military principle of war-Simplicity-many times. I was taught at West point: “Issue clear, concise and simple instructions.” Doing so will minimize the possibility of confusion and enhance effective mission accomplishment. Obviously I failed to observe this principle when directing the Stucco Subcontractor.
What I thought I conveyed(first image):
After issuing clear and concise orders my wife and i move to the opposite side of the house to install some more windows……
What the subcontractor heard (second image):
Meanwhile, the sub is busy covering up those expensive cedar beams which have been beveled, stained and neatly installed above the windows. Why the heck would they want those ugly things showing…let’s stucco over them.
They must not teach “Exposed Wood Treatments” at stucco college now days, or your contractor called in sick that day.
Stucco and windows though, you have come a long way. Enjoy.
Damn, and I bet I know who worked hard on those cedar beams ——
sorry Oz