Pack ’em up… move ’em out.

This week has been marked by large quantities of stuff being packed into cardboard boxes. I have long said that the only advantage that is universally true as a result of making a geographical move is that it forces you to sort through your stuff.

Each time this happens (this is move number 19 for us), I am amazed at the amount of stuff we have that we don’t really need. Things I might have thought would be useful to have ended up stuffed in drawers or cupboards… only to be discarded on the next chance to examine it in the light of day.

We have a room in the house that is becoming full of packed boxes. As we go through the process, leaving the things we think we need to live with for the next 26 days, the house looks strangely neater and more organized. It actually is looking much better around here without all our stuff!

We have houseguests visiting this weekend, and I’m frantically trying to get most of the packing done before I have to buckle down and give the house a good scrubbing…


  • 19 moves…..

    God bless you guys. To avoid moving, I’m planning on dying in this house whether 50 hours or 50 years from now. 😉

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